JPEG files exported from Lightroom would not open or be available to edit within Canon Digital Photo Professional application software.

Please note that this only occurred on the Windows platform. Lightroom occasionally crashed when changing image selection on Windows.Images with invalid GPS coordinates would not properly sync with Lightroom mobile.Please note that this only impacted customers that converted D810 sRaw files to DNG in either Camera Raw 8.6 RC or DNG Converter 8.6 RC. Unable to open sRaw files from the Nikon D810.Added information to the “System Info” dialogue to help designate if the customer installed Lightroom from the Creative Cloud.Please note that this only occurred when attempting to sync a Collection that contained more than 100 photos that already contained star ratings. Star ratings would sometimes not sync from Lightroom desktop to Lightroom mobile.Resolved the issues causing the persistent “Syncing … images” state that some of our customers have reported.”.Please note that this only occurred on images that were added to Lightroom mobile from the camera roll Star ratings set in Lightroom mobile did not properly sync to Lightroom desktop.Please note that this only impacts customers who used Camera Raw 8.6 or DNG Converter 8.6 to convert NEF raw files from the D810 to DNG

Updated the “Adobe Standard” color profile for the Nikon D810.Collections with a custom sort order would sometimes not properly sync with Lightroom mobile.